
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Haslab Skystriker Achieves Production, Two Stretch Goals Met.

 I had placed an order for two Haslab SkyStrikers a few days ago, and when I did so I did it with a solemn thought that I was giving no more than symbolic support for the cause.  As of the time I placed my purchase, the pledges had achieved a little over 50% of the goal I though there was no way it was going to break the needed 10,000 to get off the ground, let alone meet any of the stretch goals.  In fact, When I went to bed last night with twenty hours left, the number had barely crept over 7000.  I thought for sure the effort was doomed to fall short. 

However, when I woke late this morning, the number had charged ahead of 8000 and I thought for the first time there was hope it would all happen.  After dozens of refreshes, there was one tense moment when for about the space of a half an hour, the counting froze just short of the goal at 9942!   Could this be signs of a problem that could jeopardize the project?  

Fortunately, the counting did resume and kept building throughout the afternoon and evening until it reached its final number at 11:59PM EST, December 7tt in 2021.  The final number was 16,802!

I am very happy to spend nearly $500 on this, even if it does take the better part of a year and a half to get the return.    

Achieving 16000 orders means that the project met two stretch goals: O-Ring Scarlett in a blue "ace-style" flight suit and Nightforce Ripcord.  

These are digitally rendered and hopefully that Ripcord will end up more detailed than that and Scarlett's sculpt with be a marked improvement over her vintage likenesses, but in any event I'm glad we at least got the Super Skystriker and all the accessories that go with it.  I am also very excited about that Scarlett in particular. 

It comes with all the above, PLUS two ejectable seats with cloth parachuts.  AND THERE'S MORE!  Haslab reworked its offering for its Rancor project because support was flagging with hundreds of supporters backing out of their purchases just a few days before the end.  Likewise, Haslab added more to the initial package by including the following:

In attempt to get both projects back on track, Hasbro waved more carrots at collectors.  Alas, the Rancor project ultimately failed but the SkyStriker zoomed ahead!  We will get everything you see above, and a little bit more.

I'd like to address some of the commentary and controversy around projects like this from Haslab and explain why I backed it.

  1. I do not have a vintage SkyStriker and vintage examples in the condition I wanted approached the cost of the Haslab thing. My Flagg lacks the fuel and munitions truck, so this whole package fits my needs very well. 
  2. This thing has a lot more features than the vintage model, including two separate levers for the gear and the wings
  3. I do not think this particular set would play well at retail.  
  4. I have no problem with Corporations seeking profit using crowd funding.  I do not believe that the alternative to this SkyStriker at a $225 kick-starter would have been a boxed set you could buy off the shelves for far less.  Maybe the failed Rancor finds its way into a Mylar box near you, but GI Joe does not have nearly the shelf appeal that Star Wars does. 

    Also unlike Star Wars, the path to making money off of toys isn't as clear.  Until last year we hadn't see GI Joe on shelves for several years.  That only happens because the line wasn't making Hasbro money.  I can't say how Hasbro is doing with its 3.75 inch line right now, but they have halted new releases of the Retro Line in favor of 6" and upcoming O-Ring releases, so there's that 
  5. I  have no animosity towards anyone who criticize Hasbro for creating something like Haslab. 

All-in-all the worst part of it is the wait until Spring of 2023 to get this thing.  As of Wednesday the 8th the money is being being withdrawn from my account and its going to be well over a year until we see the actual product.  Most everything was a digital mock-up and everything else was a prototype, so we are putting a lot of trust in Hasbro to deliver a good, ultimate SkyStriker. 

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