
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Figures and Vehicles for Starting a Modern GI Joe Collection

Once again, the boys of GI Joburg are back with another list that I’m going to horn in on.  Last time they covered vintage Joe and Cobra figures and vehicles, now they have each taken upon themselves to create a list of modern Joes.  By modern, I take it they are talking about anything from the 25th Anniversary and since, which covers the aforementioned 25th, Rise of Cobra, Pursuit of Cobra, 30th Anniversary, Retaliation, 50th, and various releases from the Club and Convention exclusives. 
To that end, here is my own list of the top ten modern figures for both Cobra and GI Joe, along with the top five vehicles for each side:

Cobra figures:

  1. Baroness v14 – Despite the fact that this figure places form way above function with hair and skirt that restricts movement, this is I feel the definitive look of a modern Baroness with leather, leather, more leather, and weapons all in jet black.  The actress that played the Baroness in Rise of Cobra from where this toy is based on was rumored to be irate at how it looked, and I can see why.  This figure encapsulates a certain ruthless look that Sienna Miller just does not possess. 
  2. Zartan v20 – I picked this “desert mystic” version because not only is it a fine figure, it sets up a narrative that allows Zartan to escape the drollery of the ARAH mercenary leader with imbecile henchmen into a more meaningful role in modern cobra as a practitioner of the arcane arts and an occult priest.  (looks like this is a favorite of our Joburger hosts as well)
  3. Storm Shadow v39 “Ultiimate”.  This figure offers the best of several worlds.  It has the short-sleeved look of the ARAH Storm Shadow, a ton of weapons, and a spare head for the face of Lee Byung-hun, the actor who played him during Rise of Cobra, and Retaliation who was one of the few high points of those films.
  4. Shock Trooper v1 – You could probably also call this one the “Population Control Viper”.  Like most POC figures, this one has tons of accessories, including a unique riot shield.  This figure also has a very realistic and menacing authoritarian bearing.  If the government ever comes to get you, they’ll probably look a lot like this.  This is an arm builder, so multiples are preferred.
  5. Cobra Commander v39 – Released both carded and in the Resolute Battle set, this one strikes me as fitting the Resolute Ethos: Cobra Commander was only acting the fool, but no more! To me this is the most serious looking rendition of the Commander yet, and he has a very regal looking sword with scabbard
  6.  Firefly v28 – a lot of the modern Firefly figures are very similar, with a couple odd balls thrown in.  I’m going with what I consider the best of the grey balaclava versions which was included in the 2018 “Sneak Attack” three-pack.
  7. Cobra Trooper – a new and well done blue shirt minion for Cobra agents to command.  These things come with a lot of accessories
  8. Cobra Snow Serpent (25th) – These are a very good snow figure, I hesitated
  9.   Cobra Viper v 28 – A more “geared up” minion
  10. Cobra Invasion Trooper – Underestimated, IMO. 

GI Joe:

  1. Snake Eyes  v54 “Ultimate”, two heads to choose between his ninja and commando look, his classic explosive pack, twin katanas and his iconic Killij.  The only low points for this figure is that there’s no Timber and these legs are extremely overused. 
  2. Sgt Bazooka v3.  Reaching back to the early parts of the 25th Anniversary line that tends to be the point of demarcation for what most collectors call “modern”, a lot of figures don’t fare extremely well compared to those in the Pursuit of Cobra and 30the lines.  They lack the mature form and articulation much of the later modern stuff has.  Bazooka stands out because even within these limitations, they got him precisely right and he’s true to his ARAH form after modernization.  So what if he doesn’t have double articulated knees, he’s not a ninja or a ballerina.  He’s doesn’t come with many accessories, but he can easily carry what he has: a helmet with chinstrap (which I leave unstrapped most of the time), a pack full of rockets, and a bazooka to launch them
  3. Alpine v5.  Originally when this came out with the 25th Anniversary’s “Best of the 80s” DVD set, it was fairly expensive until its rerelease in 2015 with the “Rampage on the Rocks” 3-pack.  I personally don’t have one, but it can now be found under $20 and looks true to the ARAH Alpine, which to me is a necessity given Bazooka as the choice above.  Plus!  If you get the entire pack, it comes with a Shock Trooper, a Cobra figure recommended above
  4. Sgt Stalker v13.  With bound dreadlocks and a scowl Batman would envy, this is not your ARAH Stalker.  This figure may be from the 30th Anniversary line, but it carries over a lot of the Pursuit of Cobra dark militarism. 
  5. Capt Ace – Gone is the out of place Space suit of the original, this figure instead has a modern flight suit and high tech helmet.  It comes included with the 30th Anniversary Sky Striker, but is plentiful on the secondary markets. 
  6. Gung Ho v21 – The Ultimate modern ARAH version!
  7. Lifeline v7 – Fantastic figure with a strong red color and a lot of accessories.  One of the finest figures in the entire line.
  8. Scarlett v14 – Coming straight out of the Renegades cartoon, this one does not quite stylistically match up to the other figures that focus on either being a modernized update to an ARAH version or have a more real military theme.  Armed with a laser pistol, the typical crossbow and pastel clothing, I chose her simply because of all the other sixteen versions of Scarlett, she is the one that commits the fewest anatomical problems.  The Scarlett character has suffered through a lot of figure disasters, from the original who looked like someone’s homely grandmother to other versions who looked like Bazooka dressed in drag, to the decent 25th Scarlett who yet lacks the range of motion and facial detail most other of her 25th counterparts have.  Proportions, sculpture detail, and paint applications have just never came together quite so well as it has for Scarlett in the Renegades version.  This is simply the one where she looks most human.
  9. Steel Brigade v3 (a or b..mix and match!) – Who says GI Joe can’t have green-shirted soldiers to both fight and fill in operational gaps?  Certainly not I.  Two versions were released for the 30th Anniversary line in 2011 and the third was released in 2014.  Differences are a few accessories and different legs with features involving side packs and holsters.  I prefer version A, which lacks the sidearm holster. 
  10. Duke v46.  Given the youth on this figure’s face, this is probably Duke during his days as a PFC. Personally; I use this figure as another troop builder to complement the Steel Brigade assigned to tasks both combat and non-combat positions within GI Joe.  This figure was an Exclusive that was found at retail on at Dollar General discount stores for around $6 (POC and 30th were around $10-11).

  1. HISS v5.  This is an advanced, up-armored and better equipped redesign of the classic Hiss.  It comes in four different subversions in Black, Brown, Red, and Blue (This one is equipped with a proper tank gun on the top).  Of these, I have only the blue and Red, and do recommend the Red as it is visually striking and comes with a very fine driver, the Crimson Horseman. \
  2. Steel Crusher APV – A nifty vehicle from the underrated Rise of Cobra line, it lacks space in the back for additional figures and storage, but has a missile launcher that pops out of that area as well as two missiles concealed in the doors.  It’s very “James Bomd”.
  3. Black Dragon VTOL – A Very underrated personal craft, the Black Dragon is a natural evolution of the Fang.  Larger and more capable, it was born out of the Renegades cartoon where it appeared as a troop transport.  Many fans looking forward to seeing a Cobra equivalent of the Tomahawk were perhaps put off
  4. Night Raft – This came in the 50th Anniversary’s “Danger at the Docks” set .  A remake of the old Night Landing raft, it includes a lot of accessories including a locker full of weapons.
  5. Cobra Flight Pod (25th) – I’ve always liked the bubble and since this is an improvement over the old one, I think it’s a good choice for a personal Cobra flight craft

Joe Vehicles:

  1. Ninja Combat Cruiser (Retaliation)– This mold has been released several time in the modern era under various colors and features.  This is an evolution to the Vamp
  2. Eaglehawk (30th)– This is a revamp of the Tomahawk with a few new features and some old ones phased out.  A very good craft to have for assault and troop transport
  3. Snarler Cycle {ROC)– Possibly the best motorcycle produced in the GI Joe line.  It has a sidecar but it’s not at all a mess like the old Silver Mirage was.
  4.  FOE Striker (50th) – The ultimate AWE version.
  5. Ghost HAWK (25th) – not the retaliation version as I think that thing is just chincy.  That could have been a great toy had most every corner not been cut.  What I am referring to here is the remake of the classic Skyhawk with the addition of clear plastic windows and side panels. 
Well, there you have it.  Those are my top toys for a basic modern GI Joe collection.  Feel free to comment below.

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