
Thursday, March 19, 2020

M&C Hornet at Amazon.

Hey, if you have been waiting for an opportunity to purchase some Power Team Elite toys stuff and Ebay pricing has you down, look no further than  These are currently being listed under the branding Click N' Play.  (note, this is a link to their Amazon store)

As you may be aware, this is one of my favorite alternate-line toys for GI Joe.

Power Team Elite F/A-18:

I did a review of this toy by M&C Toys here:  GI Joe Intel Ops - Power Team Elite Hornet Review 

Keep in mind, some of the accessories may differ from sets sold under "Power Team Elite" branding.  However, there are a number of items that may be of interest to a collector.  There are a number of things I haven't seen for sale in the US before, like what they are calling the "Barracks Command Center"

Check it out!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

So I tried adsense to see what it would do.

I have to make a confession.  I got a little greedy, but not only greedy, but also a little curious.  For the past year or so, I enabled Google AdSense on this blog just to see what it would do.  I wondered how it would impact the look of the site and if it would generate much in the way of revenue.  The answers to this question are as follows.

One, I don't think it made the site unsightly.  I think the ads worked well within my format. Two, it earned me almost nothing.  Heck, it did actually earn me nothing because AdSense pays out when you reach a hundred dollars in views and clicks.  I currently stand at a paltry seventy four cents accrued. 

Of course, its been twenty months since I've posted anything to this site and readership has certainly dropped off.  Fans want content, or else they'll move on and forget.  I can't blame you.

The exercise was not without other rewards.  You actually have to jump through a few hoops in order to qualify for AdSense in terms of blog hygene.  I'm pround of myself that I actually made the changes necessary to qualify.  So regardless, I just wanna say.....thank you Google!  It was a good experience.

Anyway, I am going to leave ads up for now.