
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

50th Anniversary Announcement, and Some Thoughts.

After taking in the recent announcement for Hasbro's plans for GI Joe's 50th Anniversary, I'd like to offer some thoughts on the products announced.  Overall I think there is a lot more to like than to criticize.  Remember, our last post dealt with some with the doom-and-gloom inherent in the fandom and a lot of people were pleasantly surprised that we are going to receive anything in the four-inch scale.  I was pretty optimistic or pessimistic depending on what day it was, If I remember correctly.  All in all, we get three vehicle two-packs with drivers, two figure three-packs, and four figure two-packs that will an exclusive of sorts to Comic Con or Toys R Us (more on that below).

Notably missing from the offerings were any single carded figures.  In fact, everything is bundled.  Packaging costs money, and shelf space at retail must also be economized.  It was discovered a few days later that Toys R Us is expected to offer the Two-Packs at $14.99, Three-Packs at $19.99, the Vamp/Landing Craft set at $29.99, and the Wolf/Arctic SkyHawk at $39.99.  There has been quite a few complaints about rising prices recently, and it appears Hasbro has been listening and went with straight multi-packs as the solution

Looking at the nine products announced in total, I'm going to run up the list of what I find most interesting, least to first.  Keep in mind, these are my own opinions and it reflects what I feel I want and need in my collection.  Feel free to comment below on what you think, personally.

Images available at Hisstank:

9)  Blowtorch and HEAT Viper 2-pack.

I never thought much of the Heat Viper in Hasbro's 2012 concept case.  The purpose of this dedicated anti-armor trooper is covered pretty well by the 30th/Pursuit of Cobra Troopers which include an RPG amongst their accessories.  While ignoring that the goofy outfit that would provide pretty much the grand opposite of effective battlefield camouflage, the Heat Viper would be more effective in the anti-armor role, but far less versatile.  Okay, yes, the Cobra Trooper in blue isn't exactly the best camouflage uniform either, nor is the Invasion Trooper which I also like, so I digress.  I guess it's just not that appealing to me and I'm looking for a reason not to buy this two pack, it's likely I will though because...

The second figure is Blowtorch.  I actually do not have this figure even though I've passed on it at least twice at retail.  I just didn't feel the inclination to pluck the figure from it's peg, probably for the same reasons I dislike the Heat Viper: the colors are to un-militarily bright.  However, he seems to be a decent character and I do have some interest in making a more military version custom of the Joe flamethrower specialist.  It should be noted that the US and other militaries have discontinued use of the flamethrower as a weapon both due to it's overall ungainliness, ineffectiveness, and because causing death through slow immoliation is quite cruel.

8)  Snow-Job and Arctic Bat 2-pack

I like Snow-Job, but never have been much into BATs.  Snow Job seemed to be fairly easy to find compared to much of the Pursuit of Cobra line, and isn't too badly prices on the secondary market.  As such there is a bit of a row about why he was included in this line.  Many felt that some other figure form the recent concept cases would have been a better selection.  While I don't disagree, I personally think we are going to see more product from the case between now and Gi Joe 3, and as such Snow-Job is just filler within these waves.  Never-the-less, even though he basically appears to be a slightly different variant from what we already have from POC, I like having different color options.

I don't army build BATS as androids just aren't real enough for me.  However, I am a sucker for winter-schemed things and will hold onto one just to have it.  This works out well for me in that I'll buy one of these packs and be done with it.

7)  Low Light and (red) Night Viper 2-pack

I know there are a lot of fans of the current Retaliation green Night Viper out there that are having a hard time finding him.  This is reflected in the high secondary market prices, so a lot of collectors are obviously excited about getting another chance to score him at retail.  What's really cool about this pack is that it achieves two things: One, it gives us another shot at the Night Viper, two, the Pursuit of Cobra Low-Light this figure appears to be a re-release of goes for over $40 on eBay, loose. Granted, the Night Viper for the 50th Anniversary line was shown with red colors instead of green and Low-Light may or may not be reissued with the same extensive accessories as his POC carded version was.  I do find it an intriguing possibility that Low-Light may find itself being cheaply cast off by collectors army-building the red Night Viper later this fall when these anniversary products are released.  It was released in limited quantities during the Pursuit of Cobra run and has been expensive to acquire second-hand for years.  Both are awesome figures.

6)  Beachhead, Cobra Trooper, and Viper Officer 3-pack

I'm personally enthused about all three figures.  This Beachhead is an update to his classic image just as the excellent 25th Anniversary edition was.  The Cobra figures are both of interest to me as well.  The Cobra Trooper looks like a re-release identical to the 30th/POC versions and I can use a few more of them.  The Viper is another update, but looks superior to the one received for the 25th Anniversary.  I am definitely looking to buy multiples of this pack.

5)  Cobra Wolf and Arctic Sky Hawk.

The biggest surprise of them all was the Cobra Wolf.  This thing was completely unexpected and not a lot of people were asking for it.  Nevertheless, the response has by far been very positive.  I'm not big on the Sky Hawk, but still I'm a sucker for Arctic themed stuff so this pack is a definite buy for me.  

4)  Leatherneck, Destro, and Hawk 3-pack

We definitely needed an up to date Destro, and this figure looks like it delivers.  I don't even have a Leatherneck of any version in my collection, so I'm pretty keen on picking this one up.  The Hawk is a very good figure, but I'm not sure what to do with him if he is indeed identical to the POC Hawk we've already seen.  I  have two 'extras' already carded.

3)  Vamp (digital camo) w Flint & Night Landing Craft (traditional colors) w Cobra Eel &

2)  Vamp (Brown) w Flint & Night Landing Craft (black) w Cobra Eel

Since these are basically the same thing in different versions, I'll comment on them together.  This looks like an intriguing collection firstly because we get two versions of a modern ARAH-styled Flint, and second, we get two up-armored VAMP Mk Is.  My first 'review' on this blog was the 25th Anniversary release of the VAMP and one of the most perplexing things about the Mk I to me was the rear mounted gun.  I am happy they chose to replace it with rockets or missiles or what-have-you.  I am also glad to see better protection offered in this version.  Between the two I prefer the brown Vamp and urban black NLC to the one with digital camo and traditional NLC colors.  However, I understand the brown vamp and black NLC are going to be an exclusive of sorts (albiet, one that should make into wider distribution than traditional exclusives do).  I'm going to get at least one of each.

1)  Lady Jaye and the Baroness 2-pack.

The simple reason this is as the top of my wish list is because I came reasonably close to buying the 2013 SDCC Night Force Lady Jaye figure this is based on through the secondary market.  She was going for about $140 a the time and still retains most of that value.  This Lady Jaye is mostly all new parts, so I reasoned we would be seeing a re-release sooner or later, which is why I never pulled the trigger.  I never expected the release to be this soon, however.  I'm also happy to this re-release of this Baroness mold.  Many consider this the finest Baroness ever and I don't have her either.  The fear is that this set, being female, may be short packed and hard to find given that female figures aren't considered good sellers.

Anyway, that's just a couple loose thoughts on the 50th Anniversary release we're going to see later this year.  Many people are relieved we are getting something and many are angry we didn't get more on the brand's half-century mark.  Me personally, I think anniversaries matter more to fans and collectors than it does to manufacturers.  If there was some headway to be made on the idea, I'm certain Hasbro would have made some hay of it, but there's not.  Most of the World simply doesn't care for a lot of reasons ranging from the general decline of action figures to political winds blowing against militaristic pop-culture.  Me, I'm pretty pleased with what we have and am convinced there will probably be a bit more revealed before Hasbro unveils wave one of the next movie line.  I'm convinced between then and now we will see more of the concept case and maybe some reworked cancelled figures.  I guess we'll have to wait until then.